Events and seminars

Our events as well as our online and live seminars are aimed at entrepreneurs, executives and decision-makers to support them in their daily and strategic challenges.

1:1 Expert knowledge

Benefit live from our experience of over 30 years of consulting and the latest research.

Strengthen teams

Equip your employees and managers with tools and knowledge for tomorrow.

Reach your goal faster

Our seminars and events offer compact knowledge and practical solutions.

WILDENMANN online seminars

Our free 1-hour live online seminars each revolve around a business-relevant topic. We discuss current movements and trends, offer you insights into our working methods and present concrete solutions. Exchange ideas with a group of experts and experienced entrepreneurs and stay in touch afterwards via our LinkedIn group.

Belbin team role model 100

100 free tests with accompanying online workshop program

The Belbin Team Role Model makes it possible to advise and support teams in the development of their performance in a unique way.

Today more than ever, teams are used to solve complex problems. The Belbin model focuses very strongly on the roles that need to be developed in a successful team. This is an aspect that is given less attention in many other team development models. In this way, the Belbin Model complements the many existing models that focus on team relationships, but gives greater importance to the entire process in terms of goal achievement.

We offer HR professionals, trainers and coaches the opportunity to get to know this process and receive a free report for themselves and their own team. The whole process is accompanied by two online workshops.

WILDENMANN Parcours – January 2025

Free 1-hour live online seminars in 2024 and 2025!

We would like to continue our proven format with the free one-hour online seminars and cordially invite you to join us.

There will be exciting presentations on the topics of “Leadership” and “Sales”.

Further information and the registration form can be found via the link below. We look forward to seeing you!

Executive FiRE Index 100

100 free tests with accompanying online workshop program

The Executive FIRE Index inventory gives you or your clients the opportunity to assess their own resilience.

The target group is primarily managers and committed employees who

  • are on the move with a high level of intensity and commitment
  • perhaps sometimes have the feeling that they are overstretching themselves
  • at the same time feel a responsibility for their own health and
  • want to become aware of possible risks.

We offer HR professionals, trainers and coaches the opportunity to get to know this process and receive a free report for themselves. The whole process is accompanied by two online workshops.

Customers who trust us

We will be happy to advise you on the content and general information in a personal meeting.