User training for 360 degree feedback process
Our events are aimed at members of management and executives as well as employees from HR/HRD departments and all interested parties. We offer a wide range of topics that are helpful for the development of management systems and performance cultures.
A one-day certification training course is required for independent use of the 360-degree feedback Leadership Circle (feedback without Wildenmann consultants).
What are the benefits? In short: quality.
The feedback procedures are complex and allow for considerations on several levels. When analyzing the feedback, the right conclusions can be drawn from the strengths, weaknesses and expectations and cross-references can be made to the specific environment and the respective corporate culture. Only this training gives you the opportunity to use the tools in their full depth.
In addition to the content aspect, the training focuses on the often underestimated success factor of process management: communication in the run-up to the survey and support after the survey are decisive levers for making the use of feedback systems effective and generating the greatest possible benefit.
As a certified user, you will automatically receive updates on further developments of the licensed tool and information on new survey instruments.
The cost of participation is € 925 per person, incl. materials, plus VAT.
Dates for certification:
- upon request
Leadership Circle (LC) is our fifth generation of 360-degree feedback for managers. It is based on our leadership model, which has been used successfully in practice for many years and distinguishes between personality, competencies, areas of action and spin-out factors (career-inhibiting stumbling blocks). It is precisely this differentiation that enables conclusive and logical deductions to be made in order to quickly and precisely identify the key strengths and development points of a leader. With clear graphical representations and a unique summarization mechanism, it is possible to carry out quick, accurate and in-depth analyses.
Evaluation of importance at dimension level:
- Enables a target/actual comparison
- Expectations become clear and classify strengths and weaknesses in terms of their relevance
Freely selectable 4th feedback sensor group (option):
- Optionally, a freely selectable assessor group “Other assessors” can be used
- A distinction is made between anonymous (min. 3 assessors) and non-anonymous (e.g. supervisor) evaluation
Open comments (option):
- Are output in quotation form and thus offer an additional valuable qualitative evaluation level
Role profiles (option):
- Leadership roles result from statistically proven interdependencies of survey content
- These are presented from the perspective of the supervisor and the employee
Standard group adjustment (option):
- A comparison with an internal or external comparison or standard group can be helpful for deriving targeted development measures
- Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Ziele
- Chancen und Risiken bei der Implementierung
- Rollen und Kommunikation im Feedbackprozess
- Operative Prozessführung
- Inhalt und Aufbau der Verfahren
- Analyse des Feedbackberichts, Hypothesenbildung
- Ergebnisrückmeldung mit dem Feedbackempfänger
- Begleitung der initiierten Entwicklungs- und Veränderungsprozesse
Das Training selbst besteht aus theoretischen Einheiten und praktischen Übungen zur Festigung der Lerninhalte, die mit realen, aber anonymisierten Ergebnisberichten unterlegt sind. Mit diesem eintägigen Training erhalten Sie die personengebundene Lizenz, den Leadership Circle ohne externe Begleitung durch unsere Berater*innen einzusetzen.
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